Trevor Clayton

“The Ranch has been my home for almost three years now and my life has improved tremendously since I arrived here.  Being Rancher of the Year means the world to me.”

Poised. Sincere. Grateful. These are just a few of the words that describe Trevor best.  The Boys Ranch Youth of the Year,  Trevor is one happy young man.  As he stood in front of the men and women gathered at the Georgia Sheriffs’ Youth Homes Banquet to celebrate his accomplishments along with his fellow youth winners, he shared his story with gratitude and nerves…and it was followed with a standing ovation. “You changed my life.”  The Ranch is an amazing place and I am so thankful for it.  You see, when I came to the Ranch three years ago, I had many challenges to overcome. I was a disruptive and angry kid.  I knew everything and was disrespectful in general.  I didn’t care about school, never wanted to participate in anything, and would quit on everything.  Boy, how things have changed! I’ve made a complete 180 and it’s all because of the Ranch.  I now have a 4.0 in school.  I am involved in theatre arts and travel to conferences with my drama club. I strive to be the best I can be now and to help others do the same.  That’s why this award is so important; it means being a good role model, being helpful and doing the right thing – even when no one is looking. I now want to chase my dreams, go to college, and even come back to be a house parent to help the Ranch change someone else’s life.  I thank God every single day for such an amazing blessing for this place and this family.  If it wasn’t for several sheriffs who worked to help get me here, I would still be heading down the wrong path.  I am so thankful for all of the Sheriffs and all of the other people who support the Youth Homes; you really are the reason why people like me succeed.”

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