Herrington Homestead

Herrington Homestead is located in Emanuel County near the community of Nunez. The Homestead, once the farm and home of the Herrington family, now provides boys and girls with a stable home life such as the Herrington’s enjoyed.

The boys and girls at Herrington Homestead have been assimilated into the schools, churches and community life in Emanuel County. They are involved in sports, clubs, recreational and extracurricular activities.

This farming community provides the boys and girls with the unique experience of watching crops develop and grow. As the boys and girls watch the farming process, they learn the value of a strong work ethic. Outdoor living teaches them to appreciate the value of our environment.

Contact Information

Georgia Sheriffs’ Herrington Homestead
8109 Hwy 297
Nunez, GA 30448
(912) 562-3968

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